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Wendy Picknell
Missing Persons and Evidence-Based Policing: A Police Officer Perspective
The following blog features an article summary of a working paper I have with Lorna Ferguson examining police missing persons data...

Lorna Ferguson
Untapped Potential: Can TikTok be Used For Locating Missing People?
Does TikTok have untapped potential for locating missing people and/or in missing person investigations?...

Abbey Anthony
The Potential Power of Twitter For Missing Persons Investigations
Think of the last time you saw a missing person poster. Not an emergency AMBER Alert sent to your phone, but an actual photo,...

Stacey Pearson
Examining Missing, Abducted & Exploited Child Policy Problems Through the Crime Control Theater Lens
Child protection is an essential societal responsibility shared by individuals, families, communities, and nations. Part of this...

Lorna Ferguson
We Need Usable National Data on Missing Persons, Now
In 2017, a submission to the Government of Canada by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted that there needs to be an extensive effort made...

Néstor García Barceló
Missing persons cases: Is an ounce of prevention better than a pound of cure?
The high number of missing person reports that occur globally each year highlights the need for research in this academically neglected...

Laura Huey
On the Current Usefulness of Risk in Missing Persons Cases
“Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge” - Lao Tzu Risk is the predominate lens through which...
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