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Dr. René Gapert
Some Personal Thoughts on Forensic Anthropology and Missing Persons Cases
My work as a forensic anthropologist in Ireland brings me into contact with the remains of those generally described as 'the missing.'...

Janne E. Gaub
Should Police Search and Rescue (SAR) Be Recognized as a Specialized Unit?
What comes to mind when I say the phrase specialized police unit? Police dogs? Homicide detectives? The gang unit? Perhaps foot patrol or...

Noelannah Neubauer
How do we manage the risks of getting lost among persons with dementia?
Writers: Noelannah Neubauer (Postdoctoral fellow, University of Waterloo) and Busola Adekoya (PhD student, University of Waterloo) The...

Simona Ciobotaru
The right to be forgotten and missing persons on social media
Social media has become very prominent as a tool in the search for missing persons. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,...

Lorna Ferguson
Current State of the Literature on Risk Factors for 'Going Missing'
Previous research has predominantly examined the risk factors for ‘going missing’ by uncovering various demographic and...

Maureen Trask
Missing Persons From The Families Perspective
When my youngest son, Daniel (28), went missing on November 3, 2011, I knew no one with a missing loved one, nor did I know anything...

Kara Moore
Recovering Missing People via Citizen Sightings
Writers: Dr. Kara Moore and Blake Nesmith Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash One way societies recover missing people is by...

Sayeh Bayat
Toward intelligent systems to locate missing persons with dementia
According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, more than 500,000 Canadians are currently living with dementia, and this number is...

John Ng
The Current and Potential Role of Crime Analysts in Missing Persons Work
This blog explores a project that John Ng is involved in regarding the current and potential role of crime analysts in missing persons work.

Michelle N. Eliasson
A Call for Including Missing Persons in Victimological Scholarship
Missing persons research has relevance in victimological scholarship, and that with such research, we could begin to advance...
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