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Launched in January 2020 as the first of its kind, the Missing Persons Research Hub (the Hub) exists as a national information and research hub for the field of missing persons in Canada. The purposes of the Hub are to draw attention to this topic, further the conversation, and affect change both nationally and internationally.

Since its launch, many great initiatives and collaborations have occurred, including partnerships with police agencies and international scholars, local and international academic and public talks, and other international missing person hubs. The Hub and its impacts have transpired without funding and solely by the contributions of folks who volunteer their time and efforts to participate, get involved, and share their work. A massive 'thank you' to those who have been and continue to be a part of the Hub and push for change in the field of missing persons through teamwork, connection, science, and participation. 

It is hoped that the Hub can continue facilitating collaboration and ultimately improve the lives of and support everyone who is impacted by missing persons.

What The Missing Persons Research Hub Offers:


Communicating Research

One of the major drawbacks of research is that outputs are often not communicated properly, or at all, among people outside of the research community. The Hub increases outreach and communicates research to those who need and want to access it. See the research database here or resources page here.


Evidence-Based Work

The Hub supports and facilitates the growth of evidence-based/evidence-informed missing persons work to build research evidence from which to draw sound policy and practice.


Networking Opportunities

A key goal of the Hub is to facilitate conversation and collaboration between the researchers, sectors, organizations, community groups, and any others involved in this field. To do so, the Hub offers a variety of networking opportunities, such as the research network.


Education For All

The Hub seeks to educate to a broad audience on missing persons work in Canada. For example, check out the blog or podcast on research in Canada and important topics related to the field of missing persons.


Centralizing Access

The Hub provides a centralized location for research, information, publications, researchers, science communication, and resources, among others. It also centralizes access to all of the above contributions to any interested parties and those working in this field.


Connecting Researchers

The Hub facilitates and encourages more connection and collaboration between researchers. This can enable knowledge dissemination and important new findings within the field, as well as building scholarship in this area.


Increasing and Advancing Scholarship

Ultimately, the main goal of the Hub is increase and advance Canadian scholarship on missing persons and carve out a dedicated space for this work nationally and across various sectors. By communicating research, connecting researchers, providing networking opportunities, educating, and centralizing access, the Hub supports efforts aimed at preventing and reducing the problem of missingness.

© 2020-2025 by Missing Persons Research Hub. All Rights Reserved.

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